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  • ISO图像质量相关标准


  • 产品描述:IEEE, ISO 和ICC等国际标准包含了图像行业的众多标准,如iso12233、iso16505、iso15739等
  • 在线咨询


ISO 12233-2017-摄影-电子静态成像-分辨率和空间频率响应

ISO 12233-2017-Photography - Electronic still-picture imaging - Resolutionand and spatial frequency responses

ISO 15739-2017-摄影-电子静态成像-噪声测试

ISO 15739-2017-Photography-Electronic still-picture imaging-Noise measurements

ISO 18844-2017-摄影-数码相机成像-Flare测试

ISO 18844-2017-Photography-Digital cameras -Image flare measurement

ISO 16505-2015-道路车辆-摄像机监视系统的人体工程学和性能方面-规定及测试程序

ISO 16505-2015 Road vehiclesErgonomic and performance aspects of Camera Monitor Systems Requirementsand test procedures

ISO 14524-2009-摄影-电子静态照相机-光电转换函数的测量方法

ISO 14524-2009 Photography — Electronic still - picture cameras — Methods for measuring optoelectronic conversion functions (OECFs)

ISO 19303-2018-低照性能测试

ISO 19303-2018-Photography - Digital cameras - Measuring low-light performance

ISO DIS 17850-2014-畸变测试

Photography - Digital cameras - Geometric distortion(GD) measurements

ISO 19247-2018-数字相机的相关测试标准

ISO 19247-2018-Photography-Guidelines for reliable testing of digital still cameras