Welcome: ColorSpace 400-886-3881 400-886-3381
Language: Chinese ∷  English


Imatest Office Hours(Free)

Imatest Office Hours(Free)

Due to the epidemic, the camera image quality seminar we regularly hold every year cannot be held as scheduled. You may have accumulated a lot of questions when using the imatest image quality analysis software. In order to exchange questions and answer questions for Asian customers, the imatest technical exchange meeting will be held soon. arrange!!

In the next month, imatest will hold technical exchange meetings from time to time to exchange questions and provide technical support with everyone! Please pay attention to the notice for the time of each show. We will pay attention to the official account of ColorSpace ↓↓↓ to get the notice of the event, and look forward to your participation


Technical Networking Event Schedule for 2 March 2022

- Time : Wednesday, March 2, starting at 10:00AM
- Agenda: 1. Latest test programme on clarity
2. Live Q&A

- Exchange meeting format: held online through ZOOM

- Lecturer: imatest American Headquarters Engineer
- Language: English (simultaneous translation in both Chinese and English)

Click to sign up


Contact: sales@colorspace.com.cn

Phone: 15817270587

Tel: 400-886-3881(周一至周五 9:00~18:00)

Email: sales@colorspace.com.cn

Add: South Building #2-1101, Lv Di Qi Hang Office Building, Hou Sha Yu, Shun Yi District, Beijing, China